
Valentino & The Gap - What the F&*#?!?

So the other day I discovered something that makes me feel conflicted. At the moment I don't know if this is a good thing, or a bad thing. The major fashion label Valentino is doing a collaboration collection with the affordable brand, The Gap. I learned this via BOF, a website I check out religiously, and if you are even a bit interested in fashion, you should too.

So anyway, back to my mixed feelings. Why am I'm not excited? And why do I feel like this shouldn't happen. I'm all for being able to afford huge fashion labels such as Valentino, but I personally never really liked the Gap so I'm not happy to know that one of my favorite labels is doing a collection with them. Oh, and maybe I'm just a little bitter because it's a collection exclusively for women, so no men allowed I suppose. Whatever, I'll probably end up at the Gap when the collection comes out which should be sometime this November just to see what the collection features.

Stay Stylish

(Photo from askgirl)

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